If you haven’t already downloaded it, please go to the “5 Tools for Nurturing a Well Behaved Child and Happy Momma” free download to the right of this page. These are simple ways of beginning today to make shifts that will impact your entire home and your pathway toward being the momma you have always wanted to be.

Next, an Online Course (in the making right now) is going to build upon these tools. Several areas will be offered, like… You will receive a LOAD more of tools to play with. Together we will explore any hidden desires you might REALLy have around motherhood and being a woman, but may not know. We will also look at the issues in other areas of your life (marriage, friends, work, extended family, politics) that may be negatively effecting how you are showing up for yourself and your kiddos and working on ways to shift those pains, patterns and distractions. Because these factors weigh heavily on us in so many unconscious ways but may get expressed in unhealthy behaviors begging to be met. We will also add so much more based upon what YOU need and want today.

It is time to make this parenting (and life) thing a lot more easy than we have been. We were meant for joy and ease… So keep an eye out for that announcement and let’s Untangle This!!!

About Me

Since childhood, Kristine has been called a “seeker with an opinion”. She always felt different as if she were merely witnessing life happen around her… read more


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