Hey There!

Welcome to Untangled Mom…where you are invited to bring your whole self (warts and all) so that you may get clear about who you are, where you want to go with your life and how you want to get there while gloriously engaging and inspiring your children, family and friends.

Is that possible?   Of course it is!    How do I know?

Because I have done it and so have my clients…individuals  just like you who may be feeling tied up in knots inside over past mistakes, current concerns and unknown futures. For many, these knots show up in the form of crazy making and sometimes debilitating fear, doubt and judgment; often experienced as anxiety, depression or a feeling that “something is missing” or “wrong” with themselves, their children and everyone else they come into contact with!

I have found that the more clear we can become about who we are, what we fear, what we desire and what we value, the easier and more graceful we are while leading our family toward a life of joy, creativity and connection.

And, by the way … YOU will become much more ATTRACTIVE to your significant other as you stand in the TRUTH, POWER and EXPRESSION of who you truly are!

Did you know…that a majority of your child’s behaviors are a direct reflection of how you feel, what you believe and what you value about yourself and your life? And that much of what goes on inside your mind and body is silently absorbed and transformed into their behavior? Did you know that your secret thoughts, fears and self- criticisms have a huge impact on your child’s sense of self? That your sense of self is the launching pad they use to start off of everyday, in every way?

Sounds like a lot of pressure, huh?

Well… you can look at it that way OR… you can choose instead to use it as an opportunity to stop and commit to being the best that you can be for yourself and for them. Trusting that the whole of your life led you to this very moment…that EVERY experience has prepared you for today to be the YOU, the parent you were meant to be…and that within those experiences and the depth of your heart is the leader, expert, and genius meant and designed specifically for YOUR family!

Inside us all lives a brilliant genius just begging to come out and play. 

That genius can be heard whispering words of wisdom, encouragement and divine direction everyday.

But for some of us, we just can’t hear that genius within and we feel lost and endlessly struggle.

We struggle to get it right.

We struggle to succeed.

We struggle to feel good or competent.

We struggle to make ends meet.

We struggle to keep peace in the home.

We struggle to find balance between “kiddo time” and “adult time”.

We struggle to wake up in the morning and meet ourselves, our children, our homes, our life with grace and gratitude.

And that is OK… because now you don’t have to do it alone and there is a pathway back to that voice, back to that genius, back to the true you who has the confidence, passion and drive to create the life and home you deeply desire.

I work primarily with parents who are wanting to figure their kids out…wanting to find the tools to change the way their kids are behaving…looking to find the manual on how to get this thing called parenting right. And what they discover through our work together is the importance of that word…together. It takes two to cause that friction and it only takes one to stop or change it.

When we as parents can stop and look at our own personal Tangled Up patterns of lack, resentment, anxiety, expectation, judgment then we have the power to make the desired shifts within ourselves that directly and indirectly shift those around us… most importantly our children.

There is a pathway back to that voice, back to that genius, back to the true you who has the confidence, passion and drive to create the life and home you deeply

Are you ready to start unraveling the knots of struggle that bind you?

Are you ready to connect more deeply with your inner genius?

Are you ready to reveal the fabulous Untangled YOU within?


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