Guided By the Heart

My musings speak for my heart. They speak for my past, present, future. They speak the words and feelings that are both mine and my clients; intertwining them into the oneness that we are through pleasure, pain, and expression. They come from a place deep within my body that my mind cannot touch. They come forward in an instance forcing me to pull my car over so that they may be written on the scrap of paper I find between the seats. They are unedited, unrehearsed, emotional and freeing. They have shown up throughout my life as moments of inspiration and as of today they are taking over as the truth of what is here for me, you, us. I invite you too to discover or build upon your own means of sharing what your heart most wants to say. Do It. Through writing, dancing, painting, running…whatever… just Do It. Begin to allow what lies deep within your being, that you may have only had glimpses of, to show up more intensely to guide your way!

About Me

Since childhood, Kristine has been called a “seeker with an opinion”. She always felt different as if she were merely witnessing life happen around her… read more


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