Whose Rules Are They

Whose Rules Are They

Riley has always been VERY clear that she has not wanted to get her ears pierced…VERY CLEAR. And I have been VERY CLEAR that I was thrilled with that because she wasn’t going to get her ears pierced until she was 12 anyhow…Phew! Until last week when she...
Encouragement Goes A Long Way

Encouragement Goes A Long Way

Relationships are so important… Yesterday Ryder and I went to one of his buddy’s birthday party’s at a local bike park. There we met a fellow party goer who had some difficulty on his bike. He was pretty wobbly, a bit timid, couldn’t get his...
Women Finding Ourselves in One Another

Women Finding Ourselves in One Another

At the end of last year I put a request out on FB looking for women to interview. I never said what the interview was about and regardless, many women volunteered their time and…their stories. Stories??? How is that, you ask…when, after all, an interview...
The Pony I Dreamed Of – Sucked!

The Pony I Dreamed Of – Sucked!

Ever dream about having something and when you get it you’re gravely disappointed?  Meet… Candyman I was a typical 6 yr old girl who dreamed of having her own pony. I just knew once I had one the world would be a much better and magical place. It would be love at...
Becoming Someone Else

Becoming Someone Else

I was 14 He was 21 I knew the instant we met I’m going to marry that man It was an agonizing 3 ½ years Watching As he laughed and flirted With them They were older Seemingly more beautiful Obviously more mature It was if I were Invisible Until I wasn’t He was a kind...
Quitting – Not Always Why You Think

Quitting – Not Always Why You Think

He was loving soccer this year Until He had a game and toward the end He played goalie When scored upon He melted down HARD Afterward Declaring his IMMENSE DISLIKE For the game of soccer Swearing to never play again For several weeks He went to practice and was FINE...

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