Oh how I need this
Two girls driving down the street
The wind blowing through the open windows
Music so loud the man next to us frowns
He must need a cup of coffee

Singing at the top of our lungs
Finger dancing along to the beat
Discussing our respective shopping list
As we pull into the Target parking lot

The place to be
The one stop shop
Where variety is a plenty
Where time can be wasted
Or cherished
Depending on how you view it

But first
Can we get a cuppa tea from Starbucks
What a wonderful idea
But of course
Let’s set the shopping stage
Get ready to rumble
With a warm, sweet treat
In a white paper cup
Adorned by a fellow friend
My favorite form of comfort

I ordered a latte
She got a chai
Still giggling at ourselves
We sugar coated our desires
Walked toward the store
With sparkles in our eyes
A skip in our steps
An excitement for the treasures to come

Next we need a cart
No problem
I’ll grab it, she said
And in an instance
Time went still
The sounds abound went quiet
As I noticed
For the first time
That I was no longer with the young girl
Who would hold on to the side of the cart
With a lollipop
Dangling from her lips
Courageously releasing herself
As she ran from one aisle to the other
Intoxicated by the site of all that was on offer
Making me crazy with worry
That she would get lost
Someone would steal her

I gasped for breath
Took a step back
Watched with more care
As my heart sank
And then expanded
With the recognition of her movements
While maneuvering the cart with one hand
Tea in the other

Standing tall and proud
Head held high
Nose pointed forwarded
A body now laden with curves
Confidently moving
Eloquently leading the way
As she ushered us ahead
Toward the first item of choice
One of dire importance


I found myself
Following her lead
Standing by the side of the cart
Occasionally holding onto the side
As she continued to guide the way
Approaching each item
With the knowledge of an expert

She made subtle and not so subtle suggestions
On what I needed
How I needed to use it
When to use it
And why

I listened intently
Taking note of every word
Testing each item
The way she advised

Some were hits
Some were misses
All were a connection
With a young woman
Showing me who she is

I stood in awe
As she moved on
Politely excusing herself
To find the next thing on her list
Not needing my help
Walking away
Leaving me with a new awareness

She is fine
She won’t get lost
No one will take her away
She will be back
On her own terms
Once she has completed her own
Journey for the day

I soon came back to the moment
Pulled my to do list from my purse
Felt the shift in my body
From the joy of being with her
To the edge of needing to get something done
I quickly put the list away
Followed my heart
Turned down a new aisle
Choosing to watch her from a distant
As she knowingly looked through the clothes
Making her own choices
With such assuredness
On color
Filling her cart
With thoughtfulness
Placing the items with care
Admiring her bounty
Skipping toward the dressing room

I was invited in
As now I was mom again
Asked to put things back on the hanger
Get the right sizes
Narrow down the search

It was such a joy to watch her
Turn toward the mirror
Wearing something
That made her feel
So pretty
As I declared
Yes, let’s get it

It was such a joy to watch her
Turn toward the mirror
Wearing something
That made her feel sexy
As I declared
No way, take it off
Wait til your twenty

Eyes would roll
Laughter would ensue
Connection deepened
As we flowed between
Being two girls giggling in a car
To a mom and daughter
Navigating what to purchase
What to leave behind
As I became clear in my mind
In my heart

I am really enjoying this incredible ride
With every growth spurt
With every little twist and turn
With every milestone
Seemingly coming out of nowhere
With every awareness

In the moments as her friend
In my job as her mom
In my life as a woman
Sharing such simple
Precious moments

Enjoying the wind in my hair
A latte in the store
Makeup tips from a newbie
Being present to nothing
Other than
The giggles of letting it all go
And gift of witnessing the art of

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