Becoming Someone Else
I was 14 He was 21 I knew the instant we met I’m going to marry that man It was an agonizing 3 ½ years Watching As he laughed and flirted With them They were older Seemingly more beautiful Obviously more mature It was if I were Invisible Until I wasn’t He was a kind...
You’re Absolutely Intoxicating
You’re absolutely intoxicating The light in your eye The tremble in your hands As the time approaches We woke early in the morn To a curtain of darkness Beckoning to be parted You rose to meet the day With a set routine I was to witness for the very first time...
A Responsibility To One Another
Men You have a responsibility To show up In the likeness of Father The one who offers Guidance Strength Courage Protection In the form of your physical Presence Action Doing Women You have a responsibility To show up In the likeness of Mother The one who offers...
Lost Love Carries Me Through
What if I would have noticed then Just how difficult it was For me To be seen Heard Accepted Loved Cared for Cherished What would my life had looked like Had I noticed then What it was I was pushing away What I was so afraid of feeling Who I was so afraid of being I...