You’re absolutely intoxicating
The light in your eye
The tremble in your hands
As the time approaches

We woke early in the morn
To a curtain of darkness
Beckoning to be parted

You rose to meet the day
With a set routine
I was to witness for the very first time

You’re absolutely intoxicating

First came the equipment
Positioned just so
Offering tunes
Of encouragement
If needed
Along your way

Water to keep you hydrated
Gels to keep you nourished
A pack to hold it all

Then came the clothes
Taking care of your beautifully sculpted body
Ready to shield you from the sun
Whisk away your sweat
Adorning you in cobolt blue
Accenting every nuance of what lies beneath

Next came the food
Tea with milk and honey
But of course
Oatmeal with fruit
Toast with peanut butter
And a banana
I hate bananas
But I digress
This isn’t about me
Or maybe it is

You looked at me with love and appreciation
I kept my distance
Playing witness to a dance
Foreign to my mundane world

I kept busy
Doing my own thing
Conscious to give you space
To do yours
Not to worry about me

You’re absolutely intoxicating

We pulled back the curtains
Stepped out into the chill of the morning
Drove quietly
While listening to your aptly chosen tunes

The mood
It’s all about the mood

The closer we got
The more you trembled
With the excitement and delight
Of a child
Getting ready to ride a pony
For the very first time

I have never seen such light
Radiate from another’s eyes
The passion in your heart
Could be felt a million miles away
Being with you is

Absolutely intoxicating

Droves of others began to arrive
With a similar light
Unbridled excitement

I remain a spectator
Of a very different world
One I am justly jealous of
In this moment
As it feels to hold the key
To ones souls desire
To connect and be
United with a force greater than thee

The sun is rising
The moon lingers in the sky
The chill abates
The electricity emanating from the sea of bodies
Warms the air
As they approach the starting line
Framed by mountains
Soon to be the director of their destiny
At least for this chosen day

It’s your smile
You know
It’s your smile
Which intoxicates me
Pulling me in with desire
Leaving me wanting more
More of you
More of this
More of what my own body quakes for
As I witness a world foreign

Yet inviting to me

The count down begins
You are off
Enveloped in a sea of light
Trembles and delight

The droves of you all
Unite as one
On a mission to be carried up and away
By the director of this particular day

The wave of bodies
Heading along the trail
Turns into an ocean
Engulfed by its surroundings

The sight is absolutely intoxicating

I feel full
Knowing that I will be filled
Even more
Upon your return

And so I wait
With great anticipation
To play witness
To who you will be upon your return
To play friend
Taking care of your post ambitious needs
To play lover
Open to receive a part of you
I can’t possibly imagine

For that light
In your eye
Is more like a flame
To a fire
Which was ignited in your soul
So long ago
Silently burning everyday
Yet rages upon the awareness of its impending release

It is a fire
Which pushes you forward
Toward unfathomable depths
Drawing me in like a moth to a flame
Knowing that the burn is worth the flight

It is a fire
Which I see
Wanting to caress with care
Desiring more of
Reflecting a part of me
As I am engulfed
Back into its center
Ignited by its embers

You’re absolutely intoxicating
I am absolutely intoxicated

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