I try my best to keep things
In my house
As free from chemicals
As possible
It doesn’t always work out that way

Ya see
I primarily clean with vinegar and baking soda
But every now and then
I have to use me a little Softscrub
To feel as if I am really getting in there

I do not use fragrances
I use essential oils
Unless its a special occasion
Then my Light Blue perfume
By Dolce and Gabbana
Sees a little action

I buy only organic
Fruits and vegetables
Keeping my meat selection
To a high standard
With only grass fed
Wild raised
Humanely everything
Unless I might be out
And that nasty hot dog is calling my name

So you can see
I am not perfect
And I try

But recently
I wanted to step up my game
Pull the reigns in a little tighter
Get me and my kiddos
On an even healthier
More conscious and determined path

So I went to the local health store
Spending 45 minutes reading labels
Questioning the attendants
About a better shampoo and conditioner
Selection for my home

I was thrilled
I was proud
We were on our way


My eight year old son
Has decided to grow his hair out
Which means
There are lots of locks
Blocking my view to his gorgeous
Blue eyes
Which as you can imagine
Drives me crazy
But I am trying to honor
His desire
And I figure
He should do it now
While he can get away with it

We spoke about up keep
Brushing it everyday
Not an ease feat
And that he may need to use
Hair product to help him out

Next I found ourselves
Walking down the hair product section
In our local
Toxic filled grocery store

I shop there often

My son was so curious
About what was on offer
He scanned the shelves
As I tried to convince him
That the better products could be found elsewhere
In the healthier store

Which was to be our next stop

But being the big sophisticated
Young man that he is now
Of course
He scanned a bit more
Until he read the words
Shampoo and conditioner in one

Hold on a minute
I could hear his inner little voice
Scream at the top of his lungs
As I watched and noticed
His shift in demeanor

It was if his mind was blown
It was if the world was a new
It was if life as he knew it
Would never be the same
As he turned
In slow motion
Eyes on fire
Drool dripping down his chin
To ask

Is it true
One less step
This miracle is about to make my life
So much easier

I tried my best
To distract him
Not only was this not part of the plan
But he was now on to something
Even more appealing than sculpting gel

His thirst for a better life
He soon found that Old Spice
Was the one to hold the key to this
Mind blowing discovery
He began to read out loud the names
Of each product
Feeling the words
To see which one fit him
Just right

The titles read like
A tacky romantic novel

Steel Courage

He stood
Contemplating each name
I watched from a distance
As his stance shifted with each
As if he was literally trying on
The feeling of each title

He soon reached out
His skinny little arm
Grabbed his bottle of choice
Turned with the confidence
Of a caveman
Conquering his prey
Held his bottle up high in the sky
And declared

I shall take

The Swagger

I just about fell
To the ground
As a mix of emotions and thoughts
Left me a bit off kilter
Holding back the laughter
While feeling proud
Of his new found conviction
His shift in personality

While at the same time
Not wanting to buy
Another chemically laden product
When I just bought us
All of the “right” stuff

There was so much to consider

Part of me wanted to say no
Stay my course
Toward health and wellness
But I just couldn’t
He was sold
He was proud
He was determined

He was now walking away
Holding that bottle high
Declaring to the world

I have made the most amazing discovery people
Watch, be amazed and learn
I now only have to wash my hair once
This is a 2 for 1
I am brilliant
I am amazing
I am a man

I sat back in awe
As my little guy
Took control for himself
Set the pace and tempo
Of the moment
And sashayed his little butt
Down that long aisle
With the “Swagger” and confidence
Of a self made man

So there it is
My son now has his own
Light Blue
Non-organic product
To add to the list
Of a household
Doing it’s best to keep up
With the right way of doing things
While forgoing the need
To be all that we “should” be

For who we are
As a family
Are those who choose instead to
Honor the moment
Honor the wants and desires
Honor the feelings
Honor the differences
Of one another
Letting go of perfection
Enjoying these priceless occasions
To stand back
One another’s innocent
Discoveries of a new possibilities
Whether they are organic
Or not

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